$20 off $75 Online Order from Ann Taylor

Let’s get it one everyone. I have a god deal for everybody. This is my special treat to all Ann Taylor loyal shoppers here. Thank you for trusting us with all your coupon and discount needs. We promise not to let you down. Today we give you a good deal that I’m sure you will be glad to have. Just use these Ann Taylor promo codes and you will be able to save $20 off your entire online order of $75 or more. Just imagine your entire order worth $75 then you will only have to pay $55 or something not including shipping fees and taxes. Please remember that you can’t use this deal once you have already used this one. This is a unique Ann Taylor promo codes valid until the end of the month of until March 31, 2011. Enjoy the discount my dear friends, please visit us here anytime you need more discount.


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Save 20% from Ann Taylor

For more than a few months now I have been so obsessed with Ann Taylor fashion. I have been following their collection s every season. I’m there on product lunching and any new things that happens to this site. With this little know how I have been able to earn some secrets and tricks on how to save from this beautiful store. Here is Ann Taylor promo codes which I want to share to all of you.  I have verified the code myself. The promo code will be the key for us to save an extra 20% off our entire online orders. This will be accepted online until April 6, 2011. To avail of the promo you will be asked to make an online order amounting to $150. Your qualifying amount should be from full-priced items only. You can keep your Ann Taylor promo codes with you, or you can share it to your friends and family too. 

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